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Experiencing the Elation of First Love

About H Villa Inn

H Villa Inn is a place where taste, fashion and entertainment are conjoined.
By adopting an architectural style featuring fair-faced concrete, it gives a refreshing elegant complexion.
An atypical rustic style is created with modern techniques, elegant and refined touches.
Immersing yourself in the elation of “first love” that permeates the air will arouse the affection, yearning and infatuation that have been lurking in your heart.
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parallax background




應顧客要求活動好評再延長 史上最狂睡到 “ 自然醒 ”  翌日PM16:00退房 活動日期:即日起至2025年1月23日 止入住日期:即日起至2025年03月31日 止 官網獨家限定 ※ 每日限量5間 ※ ◤ 穗稻夏武 ◢ 限時下殺✅ 水汝 (乙晚/雙人) |平日 (週日-週四) $3,080 起✅ 水美 (乙晚/雙人) |平日 (週日-週四) $3,380 起✅ 春漾 (乙晚/雙人) |平日 (週日-週四) $4,280 起 ✅ 月瑩 (乙晚/雙人) |平日 (週日-週四) $4,580 起 🌤️優惠入住時間:平日16:00後(入住);翌日16:00前(退房) 🎀 加碼優惠再贈 🎁 優惠一位12歲(以下)孩童入住,不佔床不另收費(不額外提供備品及早餐)。 🎁 再送《雙人早餐》 (免出門早餐送到房服務,依房型人數提供)。🎁 […]


2025春節住房專案 住宿日期:2025年1月25日(六) 至 2月1日(初四) 官網獨家 【2025/1/25 – 1/28(除夕)】 春節住房專案🐍 水汝 (乙晚/雙人) | $4,880 🐍 水美 (乙晚/雙人) | $5,280🐍 春漾 (乙晚/雙人) | $6,580 🐍 月瑩 (乙晚/雙人) | $7,280 🐍 雪波 (乙晚/四人) | $10,780 🐍 吟峰 (乙晚/六人) | $21,900 【2025/1/29(初一) – 2/1(初四)】 春節住房專案🧧 水汝 (乙晚/雙人) | $5,480 🧧 水美 (乙晚/雙人) | $5,880🧧 […]

2024 冬季線上旅展粉絲抽好禮

🎉 開 獎 啦 🎉 官網獨家限定 🔹 『官方FB粉絲限定開獎』 活動期間於官方 FB粉絲專頁〔2024冬季線上旅展〕指定貼文完成留言任務,即可抽〔歐可麗Oral Clean牙齒保健組〕乙份。 H VILLA INN 官方FB粉絲團>>> 🔹 『官方IG粉絲限定開獎』 活動期間於官方 IG粉絲專頁〔2024冬季線上旅展〕指定貼文完成留言任務,即可抽〔歐可麗Oral Clean牙齒保健組〕乙份。 H VILLA INN 官方IG>>> 🔹 『獨享3-官網、電話訂房專屬抽好禮』凡透過電話、官網線上預訂2024冬季線上旅展專案,以有效訂單,可參加抽【 H VILLA INN氣泡酒 】乙瓶,共3名 (取消訂房即取消獲獎資格)。 【注意事項】 清水漾保有本活動修改、變更、最終解釋及取消本活動之權利,若有相關異動,將會公告於清水漾官網及粉絲團, 恕不另行通知。 每個帳號限參加一次,重複留言者,僅只取一次抽獎資格。 具有得獎資格之 FB /IG帳號需為真實身分,活動應由本人親自參與,不得由他人代為參加,不得為人頭帳號、假帳號,若使用者以人頭帳號或電腦駭客程式等不正當之手段參與活動,或得獎人使用不同帳號但收件地址相同及其他影響活動公平性之行為,經主辦單位發現或經第三人檢舉,則主辦單位有權取消使用者之參與、得獎資格,主辦單位不另行通知,並保留法律追訴權。 標記、按讚之好友不得是假帳號、幽靈殭屍帳號,或是虛擬帳號、公眾粉絲團,沒有任何活動的帳號。 活動步驟若於活動截止後才完成,則不符合抽獎資格,請特別留意。 參與者必須尊重評審結果,亦不得要求取消得獎資格。


H VILLA INN & 台南市立馬術場 活動日期:即日起至2024年12月30日 官網獨家限定 住宿 (乙晚) + 騎馬體驗 (20分鐘) 包套旅遊 限時下殺✅ 水汝 (乙晚/雙人) + 騎馬體驗 (20分鐘/雙人) |平日 $4,899 起 ✅ 水美 (乙晚/雙人) + 騎馬體驗 (20分鐘/雙人) |平日 $5,199 起 ✅ 春漾 (乙晚/雙人) + 騎馬體驗 (20分鐘/雙人) |平日 $5,999 起 ✅ 月瑩 (乙晚/雙人) + 騎馬體驗 (20分鐘/雙人) |平日 $6,299 起✅ 雪波 […]

Guest Room




Gold Coast

Gold Coast is about a 5-minute drive from H Villa Inn. It is the most beautiful and clean beach in Tainan. During the sunset, its glow tints the scenery to orange. It is delightful to take a stroll here to enjoy the quiet time in the afternoon.

Gold Coast


Xishu Old Street

Xishu Old Street is about a 5 minute drive from H Villa Inn. It is a strongly recommended attraction by H Villa Inn. Artistic wall graffiti and installation arts are ubiquitous along with many disguised creative shops. In here you will experience the perfect blending of old town and innovation. It is an artsy-craftsy place for you to linger in.

Xishu Old Street


Ten Drum Art Percussion Village

The village is about a 10 minute drive from H Villa Inn. It was converted from a former Rende Sugar Refinery. Ten Drum Art Percussion Group preserves the historical buildings and elements of the Refinery. The themes of percussion and sugar refinery run through the entire village. The village’s highlights include performances and activities such as repertory theatre percussion performances, drumming experience, bungee jumping, VR experience and various facilities and activities. It is a highly distinctive cultural park in Tainan.

Ten Drum Art Percussion Village


Chimei Museum

About a 10 minute drive from H Villa Inn. The museum is about the founder of Chimei Group: Shi Wen-long’s 8 decades’ dream fulfilled story from child to old age. The primary collections of Chimei Museum are western arts, musical instruments, weapons, animal specimens and fossils. A total of more than 4,000 objects are exhibited which is about one third of his overall collections. It is a prominent art museum in Tainan.

Chimei Museum

Contact Us


1National Highway 1

Southbound → Turn onto Express Highway 86 toward Tainan at 2 km after passing Rende Interchange → Exit at Wanli Interchange → Go straight on Yongcheng Road for about 1 km → Turn left onto Wannian Road → Go straight and turn left at Wannian 1st Street → Turn left again onto Wannian 2nd Street to find the Inn.

Northbound → Turn onto Express Highway 86 toward Tainan at 3 km after Rende Service Center → Exit at Wanli Interchange → Go straight on Yongcheng Road for about 1 km → Turn left onto Wannian Road → Continue onto and turn left at Wannian 1st Street → Turn left again onto Wannian 2nd Street to find the Inn.

2National Highway 3

Southbound, Northbound Exit at Guanmiao Interchange → Get on Express Highway 86 → Exit at Wanli Interchange → Go straight at Yongcheng Road for about 1 km → Turn left onto Wannian Road → Go straight and turn left at Wannian 1st Street → Turn left again onto Wannian 2nd Street to find the Inn.
